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ART4FREEDOM is our answer to the all artists out there who reached out to us with their wish to do something for a more freedom-filled future. Beyond becoming an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, they now use their talents 4FREEDOM by creating and uploading amazing ART4FREEDOM artworks for all to see in our ART4FREEDOM Gallery.
ART4FREEDOM is a wide variety of different and diverse art expressions coming together in an impressive and creative collection of ART4FREEDOM poems, pictures, paintings, drawings, sculptures, digital works and you name it, collectively creating an epic expo and experience, both online as offline, thus touching the freedom- or lack of freedom-subjects. ART4FREEDOM also allows us at ALL4FREEDOM to express the raw reality and dark side behind the fine freedom feelings.
Why does my artwork not show in the ART4FREEDOM Gallery?

That depends. In order to show in our ART4FREEDOM Gallery, your artwork must go through the following few steps. Perhaps one of them has not been completed or incorrectly set?

- Upload: did you succesfully upload the image via your IAM4FREEDOM Hero account / edit profile / Art-tab?

- Update: did you click on the 'Update' button at the bottom of the our IAM4FREEDOM Hero account / edit profile / Art-tab?

- Moderation: your artwork needs to be approved by our moderation staff, prior to showing in our ART4FREEDOM Gallery. Due to our voluntary crew, please allow time for this or contact us

- Order: our ART4FREEDOM Gallery is set to display artworks in order of IAM4FREEDOM Hero account registration. Perhaps your artwork is visible on another page?

 Did you follow all the steps of our helpguide 'How to upload your ART4FREEDOM?'

Can I upload more than 1 ART4FREEDOM?

Note that, for now, you can only upload one artwork per user account to our ART4FREEDOM Gallery. This limit is set to make the most out of our sponsored hosting capacity and the fact that we work entirely without money.
So, if you wish to add more than one artwork, you will have to create a new IAM4FREEDOM Hero account with a unique email address. On our social media pages, we will, of course, share all your artworks ;-)
Thanks for your understanding...

Do I need to provide a title/description?

Yes, you do. Each entry needs the name of the artist (for proper credits), a title (for reference), a URL (for promotion) and a description (for its freedom relation).

We are aware that some artists feel no need for descriptions, as they just want the art to speak for themselves, and let people decide how they feel. This might be fine when meandering through an average gallery but at ART4FREEDOM, as the name suggests, the art is all about freedom or the lack of freedom and, therefore, we need the artist to explain how the artwork is related to freedom and why it's a significant asset. 

Know that in our ART4FREEDOM Gallery, the visitor first sees the artwork itself followed by the artist's IAM4FREEDOM Hero's name. One can experience the moment where the artwork's meaning is still blank and can be filled in freely by whoever is looking on. Only upon closer examination, simply a mouse-click away, can one then choose to crosscheck what the artist has to say.

Does my artwork have to be about freedom?

Yes, it does. At ART4FREEDOM, as the name suggests, the art is all about freedom or the lack of freedom and, therefore, we need the artist to explain how the artwork is related to freedom and why it's a significant asset. 

There are plenty of other galleries out there where you can upload non-freedom related art. 

Do you need help with my artwork's (English) description?

No worries. After having hundreds of artists join ART4FREEDOM, we are well aware of the fact that not all artists are native English and/or might have trouble putting their artwork's description into the right words.

Feel free to contact us and send us your initial set-up and we are more than happy to spellcheck or improve wording here and there. We want all people out there to learn and understand the meaning of your uploaded artwork and why freedom is important and why it is related to freedom.

Do I have to resize my artwork?

Yes. Due to our nature of working without money and our sponsored hosting capacity, etc. we are forced to set the upload limits for the ART4FREEDOM images. 

Your image file must be of gif, png, jpg, jpeg type and should not exceed 1.95 MBs filesize. Images exceeding the maximum width of 1080 will be resized in resolution.

On our social media pages, we will, of course, share your artwork in higher resolution and filesize.  Thanks for your understanding.

* Need an online tool to resize your image for web?
Feel free to use this free third-party suggested site or Android app

(When) is my artwork shared on your social media?

Yes! After you have uploaded your artwork succesfully to our ART4FREEDOM Gallery and/or emailed the image file, title, descripton, etc. your artwork will come wait in the long queue of many, which we wish to share. We aim to post an ART4FREEDOM artwork at least every week, as we also post other content scheduled according to chronological and other algorithms ;-). Please be patient, allow some time and know that waiting increases the desire. FYI: If you've provided your social media handle, you will be notified when we mention you and your artwork is shared. Yet you are free to contact us. Thanks for your understanding.

Can I add an artwork anonymously?

At ALL4FREEDOM, we aim to be as open, honest and transparent as possible and encourage our users to follow our lead. Furthermore, we stand for freedom and the right to be yourself and therefore create a safe environment where you can feel free to be who you are. Nonetheless, we can imagine that there are certain reasons or regimes that will not alow you to add such artworks without getting into trouble. The last thing we want and quite the opposite of our mission is for our users to be threatened or oppressed. Therefore, we understand that some users will need to protect themselves by using an artist alias instead of their real name. So, in short, yes one can add an artwork anonymously.  

Can I share my ART4FREEDOM on my (social media) sites?

Yes, of course! Feel free to proudly promote your ART4FREEDOM and ALL4FREEDOM's mission. You mention the following handles and URL's: ART4FREEDOM Gallery:



Instagram: @iam4freedom_all4freedom

Facebook: @iam4freedom

LinkedIn: @all4freedom

Twitter: @iam4freedom2

YouTube: @iam4freedom

Can others share/use my uploaded ART4FREEDOM?

Your uploaded ART4FREEDOM artwork is socalled, user content.
This is, for example, is all the content that our users have added/uploaded to the site and their IAM4FREEDOM Hero profile, and/or is displayed in our site's user-lists such as our ART4FREEDOM GALLERY, ART4FREEDOM VIDEO GALLERY, PHOTO4FREEDOM GALLERY, YOURSTORY4FREEDOM, etc. and is related to our users.

Nobody is allowed to share this content in anyway, WITHOUT the IAM4FREEDOM Hero's, or in this case, your permission. As this is not our content, we are not at liberty to license it and urge everyone to contact the hero, or you, directly to discuss their own terms.

How will my ART4FREEDOM be used?

Well, we can share/promote your work via our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram with full thanks and credit to your supplied handles and info. In addition, as a user, you upload your own images, description and a promotional URL, etc. in your IAM4FREEDOM Hero account and automaticalle shows in our ART4FREEDOM Gallery on our own ALL4FREEDOM website

Do I loose my ownership or copyright after upload of my ART4FREEDOM?

No, your ART4FREEDOM is so called, user-content. 
You own any information, text, data, photos, audio, video, images, graphics, links, logos, and other content or materials you upload, submit, post, display or otherwise distribute on or through ALL4FREEDOM ("user submissions"). For more info, check out the full explaination in our Terms and Conditions, article 7, content


Am I credited if I upload of my ART4FREEDOM?

Yes! Naturally we will credit/mention you. We share/promote your content via our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram with full thanks and credit to your supplied handles and info, of which you will receive a notification when posted. On our ART4FREEDOM Wall, you are autmatically credited with your first and lastname, artwork title, promotional URL and link to your IAM4FREEDOM Hero profile.


Will ALL4FREEDOM pay me to create/upload a freedom-related artwork?

If we pay our artists or other users? The answer is simple and two letters, NO! First, we work without money and, like all our other users, our artists participate because they value freedom and the right to be yourself. They are not in it for the money but 4FREEDOM! It is the intention what counts here. If we were to pay people, many more might come on board but it would be somewhat like bribery and people would be joining for the all wrong reasons. At ALL4FREEDOM, we want both the organisation, as well as our users to be pure and do something for freedom. That's one of the differences between us and other companies or NGO's. See more on the 'No Money' aspect.

This doesn't mean we don't value the artist's profession and right to be paid for their work. Note that by showcasing an artwork in our ART4FREEDOM Gallery, you gain the sympathy of many and may include future paid commissioned projects but as far as we're concerned, we will have leave that to the commercial companies out there. 

Are there any costs involved?

No, of course not, access should be voluntary and forever free - if it is up to us... Like joining ALL4FREEDOM, ART4FREEDOM is free for all and ALL4FREEDOM! It just takes a few minutes of your time and you participate by uploading your artwork because you value freedom and the right to be yourself. It is the intention what counts here.

How to rate ART4FREEDOM Artworks?

Both on our ART4FREEDOM Gallery as well as on our ART4FREEDOM Video Gallery, you can rate the artist's artworks.

Rating their work is a way of thanking them for taking the time to upload and share it here. Show some appreciation, rate their work and, who knows, you might receive some stars/thanks in return! 

Rating varies between the lowest rating, half a star (left) to five stars (all the way to the right), which is the highest rating. Click on the left half of a star to give a half-star rating or right half for a full-star rating. Star ratings are saved automatically, so, there is no need for you to save your settings via an update button. You can always alter your rating if you have selected a wrong star or changed you mind. The avarage rating is displayed is, thus, always up-to-date.

And while you're at it, be sure to give a positive rating and review ;-)

Can I add an ART4FREEDOM Video?

Yes, you can. We have our ART4FREEDOM Gallery for stills and our ART4FREEDOM Video Gallery for motion graphics and videos.Check our Helpfile tutorial "How to add an ART4FREEDOM Video".

Why is my ART4FREEDOM Video is not showing in your IAM4FREEDOM YouTube playlist?

For your ART4FREEDOM Video to show on our IAM4FREEDOM YouTube playlist, our moderation staff needs to add it manually. It could be that this is forgotten or that, due to our voluntary crew, we have not yet done this. Please allow time for this or contact us.

It can also be that your video on YouTube cannot be added our IAM4FREEDOM YouTube playlist, because your video settings are set 'for kids' rather than 'for adults', if you can change this setting in your clip, we can mention and promote you across our channel ;-)

If a YouTube video is “made for kids,” it now has restricted features—even for adults. You can’t play “made for kids” videos in the miniplayer, save them to a playlist, or even like or dislike them in YouTube Music.

Your question not here/answered?

No worries! If we haven't answered your issue to your satisfaction and/or your question is simply not here or in any other FAQ, please do let us know. You might not be the only one and the answer might be worth sharing so that other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes can us it to their advantage and to improve their experience and our mission. Thanks in advance for your feedback and contribution.

ALL4FREEDOM is a prominent and promising people-powered platform, a freedom-first community, and the world’s leading independent and international movement. We empower and unite unique, freedom-valuing individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, and world leaders. They connect, commit, campaign, and contribute actively within their talent and time. They demonstrate their dedication and devotion to defending and advancing freedom, honoring human rights, and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free - ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2025 | All rights reserved
Thanks for your visit and support!

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