2-Star Sponsor 2.5K+
Crowdfund now between 2.500 and 4.999 Euros and as a CROWDFUND4FREEDOM 2-Star Sponsor, enjoy all of the benefits below.
2-star logo visibility
company profile
‘yourcompanyname4FREEDOM’ article, your personal motivation and About [your company name]’ section.
Early-bird access
Early-bird access to our acquisition, release and start-up of new names, logo lines, websites, projects and actions.
events display logo
Your company logo and ‘yourcompanyname4FREEDOM’ proudly projected at our events such as DANCE4FREEDOM, etc.
news article
Announcements of your CROWDFUND4FREEDOM cooperation, motivation and About [your company name]’ section on our home/news page.
logo online
Add your company logo as sponsor and ‘your companyname 4FREEDOM’ to our sponsor page.
sponsor network
Access our like-minded sponsor network/events and IAM4FREEDOM Heroes, present ‘your companyname 4FREEDOM’ profile and offer brand merchandise.
Receive positive PR, such as recommendations of your company by our ALL4FREEDOM employees and our network.
Boost your sponsorship and visualize internal/external brand-image as ‘Your companyname 4FREEDOM’ towards all relations.
Rank your position (depending on your sponsor amount) in our CROWDFUND4FREEDOM Sponsors high-score list.
Lots of fame, many thanks and our endless and unwavering appreciation as a fruitful basis for the future!